hair loss

Popular Hair Loss Supplement You Might Be Taking Causes Faster Hair Loss!

>> Wednesday 10 December 2008

There is a popular hair loss supplement that actually speeds UP your hair loss. Find out what it is and why in this article...

To understand why this popular hair loss supplement causes faster hair loss its vital to understand what REALLY causes hair loss...

Contrary to popular myth, hair loss is not due to excess testosterone, but is due to excess estrogen causing the overproduction of DHT. This DHT (the aging hormone) results in hair loss.

What is known as Estrogen Dominance causes hair loss. And so anything that causes estrogen production in the body (like pollution and chemicals in food) causes hair loss.

So back to the supplement in question...

Flaxseed oil. This popular hair loss supplement is said by the manufacturers to help reduce hair loss because of 'lignans'. The science on this is unproven. However, what is 100% known about flaxseed oil is that it causes the production of the hormone estrogen...

For this reason taking flaxseed oil is a very bad idea for those suffering from hair loss, as it will only speed it up! I recommend to totally avoid flaxseed oil if you suffer from hair loss.

What is a better idea is to reduce estrogen in the body AND remove DHT from the scalp. DHT that is lodged in the scalp will cause hair loss until removed...

You can remove DHT by using a DHT removing agent. There are many expensive ones on the market, but I recommend using a homemade DHT removing agent you can make for pennies. This works just as effectively.

Colin Montana has set up a free website about solving your hairloss problem. Check it out today at The Ultimate Hairloss Solution.

By: Colin Montana

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